Monday, November 15, 2010

Francisco Domingo Joaquim - World's Widest Mouth

Meet a real-life elastic man — a man with a mouth so rubbery it’s more than half a foot long.

In fact, Francisco Domingo Joaquim’s 6.69-inch-long elasti-mouth has earned him a prestigious place in what his local newspaper called the “world’s most desired book”: Guinness World Records.

Joaquim, also known as Chiquinho, is like a real-life version of Jim Carrey’s cartoony “Mask” character. His mouth is so wide he can fit an entire can of soda inside it — sideways.And if that’s not impressive enough, the 20-year-old Angolan Jaw of Awe was recently featured on an Italian TV show where he was able to pop that soda can in and out of his mouth 14 times in one minute.

That’s also a record — but don’t try breaking that one at home. Some of us put our foot in out mouths figuratively … but he’s the only one who might be able to do it for real.

via Jaw of Awe: Guinness Honors World’s Most Elastic Mouth.

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