Thursday, December 9, 2010

Differences between the Old and New Facebook Pages

Here is a side by side (Well one over the other) view of my old Facebook profile and the new one. I switched cause like it or hate it, they will likely all be this way sooner or later. I thought honestly that I would like it more than I do. While some features are nice, some are not. The Info box is no longer useful, as it’s been buried. Before it was featured as a customizable box under your profile picture (Mine had some comical info about being the “Real” Jason , as there are tons of Jason Green‘s on the internet.

What Facebook neglects to mention outright is that AD spaces are larger, wider in fact, so that more ads can fit on the screen. So I feel like facebook was trying to say was, “Look at your shiny new, now bigger photos! (Not the shiny Bigger ads…)” I also felt that the Top Menu Bar, was more inviting to browse around someone’s profile. Moving it makes it “Less Important”. However the Image bar at the top is a nice touch, which invites more people to looks at your photos, which you may or may not want. I feel that I should get a choice. Not like myspace though, that just made a mess. A nice balance can be found with just on/off switches and custom boxes and tabs. Is facebook going in a more socialist direction? You tell me, leave a comment below.

That is the “Old” profile page, and Below is the “New” profile page…

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